REPORT TEMPLATES FOR USERS OF QUICKBOOKS PREMIER OR ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS EDITIONS Over 100 new customized report templates are available on your QuickBooks CD. You can use these templates to create reports based on your own company data. TO LEARN ABOUT THE TEMPLATES Print a copy of this file for reference. Descriptions of the individual report templates appear below the installation instructions. TO INTALL A REPORT TEMPLATE 1. Insert your QuickBooks 2003 CD in your CD drive. 2. In QuickBooks, display the Memorized Reports list and then choose Import Template from the Memorized Report menu button. 3. In the window that appears, look for a folder named Report Templates on your CD-ROM drive. Double-click the Report Templates folder. You'll then see a list of template folders, organized by type of business or specific reporting need. 4. To see a listing of the report templates in a folder, double-click the Reports folder. 5. To import one of the report templates listed in a folder, double-click the template name. TO USE A REPORT TEMPLATE Each report template that you install appears as a new memorized report on your Memorized Report list. To run one of the new reports, display the Memorized Report list and double-click the report name. QuickBooks Premier then creates the report using your own company data. INDIVIDUAL REPORT TEMPLATE DESCRIPTIONS This list is organized by type of business and business use. The report template descriptions are grouped as follows: Accounting All Industries Construction Franchise Non-Profit Payroll Retail Service =====>> ACCOUNTING <<===== REPORT NAME: Balance Sheets DESCRIPTION: This report compares this year's balance sheet with last year's, showing the dollar amounts and percentage change for all asset, liability, and equity accounts. The report title has been changed to "Balance Sheets" which is GAAP and used by the AICPA when two years are included in the report. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Fixed Asset Changes for the Tax Return DESCRIPTION: This report lists changes that affect the balances of fixed asset accounts. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you are tracking the purchase and depreciation of equipment using a fixed asset account in QuickBooks. ***** REPORT NAME: Income Statement DESCRIPTION: This report replaces the report title of the Profit & Loss Standard report with "Income Statement" which is preferred by the AICPA. Income Statement is more commonly used for compiled, reviewed, or audited financial statements. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Income Statement Prev Year Comparison DESCRIPTION: This report replaces the title of the Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison report with "Income Statements Prev Year Comparison." Income Statement is preferred by the AICPA. Income Statement is more commonly used for compiled, reviewed, or audited financial statements. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: General Journal by Number DESCRIPTION: This report lists all general journal entries sorted by number. It puts the entries in journalized form to meet audit requirements. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Your accountant must use the general journal form to make adjusting entries. ***** REPORT NAME: Journal Entries Entered Last Year DESCRIPTION: This report shows adjusting entries made by your accountant during the last fiscal year. It excludes adjusting entries made by QuickBooks. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Your accountant must use the general journal form to make adjusting entries on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. ***** REPORT NAME: Unassigned Tax Lines DESCRIPTION: This report lists all accounts that do not have tax lines assigned to them. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: his report assumes that you have specified the tax form you use in the Company Information window. ***** REPORT NAME: Uncleared Bank Account Transactions DESCRIPTION: This reports lists uncleared transactions for each bank account. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using the Reconcile window to reconcile your QuickBooks records with your bank statement. ***** REPORT NAME: Uncleared Bank Transactions DESCRIPTION: This report lists transactions for all bank accounts for the previous year that have not been reconciled. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Uncleared Credit Card Transactions DESCRIPTION: This report lists all credit card transactions for the previous year that have not been reconciled. The report helps you verify that all credit card transactions have been verified prior to filing any financial reports. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. =====>> ALL INDUSTRIES <<===== REPORT NAME: Bill Detail DESCRIPTION: This report lists your bills for the last month and shows all of the transactions (purchase orders, payments, credits) linked to each bill. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using Accounts Payable to track expenses and pay bills. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted Balance Sheet by Month DESCRIPTION: This report displays your monthly budget for each balance sheet account. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for balance sheet accounts. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted Balance Sheet by Quarter DESCRIPTION: This report displays your quarterly budget for each balance sheet account. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for balance sheet accounts. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted Balance Sheet by Year DESCRIPTION: This report displays your annual budget for each balance sheet account. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for balance sheet accounts. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted Income Statement by Month DESCRIPTION: This report displays your monthly budget for each income and expense account. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for income and expense accounts. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted Income Statement by Quarter DESCRIPTION: This report displays your quarterly budget for income and expense accounts. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for income and expense accounts. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted Income Statement by Year DESCRIPTION: This report displays your annual budget for income and expense accounts. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for income and expenses. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted v Actual Balance Sheet by Month DESCRIPTION: This report shows how well you met your monthly budget for balance sheet accounts. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for balance sheet accounts. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted v Actual Balance Sheet by Quarter DESCRIPTION: This report shows how well you met your quarterly budget for balance sheet accounts. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for balance sheet accounts. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted v Actual Balance Sheet by Year DESCRIPTION: This report shows how well you met your annual budget for balance sheet accounts. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for balance sheet accounts. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted v Actual Income Statement by Month DESCRIPTION: This report shows how well you met your monthly budget for income and expense accounts. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for income and expenses. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted v Actual Income Statement by Quarter DESCRIPTION: This report shows how well you met your quarterly budget for income and expense accounts. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for income and expenses. ***** REPORT NAME: Budgeted v Actual Income Statement by Year DESCRIPTION: This report shows how well you met your annual budget for income and expense accounts. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a budget for income and expenses. ***** REPORT NAME: Cash Basis Accounts Payable Balance DESCRIPTION: This report lists all transactions that make up your accounts payable balance on a cash basis. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using Accounts Payable to track expenses and pay bills. ***** REPORT NAME: Cash Basis Accounts Receivable Balance DESCRIPTION: This report lists the transactions that make up your accounts receivable balance on a cash basis. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must have no sales of inventory items with a rate of $0.00. Such transactions invalidate the report. ***** REPORT NAME: Cash Flow Forecast by Month DESCRIPTION: This report breaks down your projected cash flow by month. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you use both Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable in QuickBooks. ***** REPORT NAME: Cash Flow Forecast by Quarter DESCRIPTION: This report breaks down your projected cash flow by quarter over the next fiscal year. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you use both Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable in QuickBooks. ***** REPORT NAME: Cash Flow Forecast by Year DESCRIPTION: This report projects your cash flow for the next fiscal year. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you are using both Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable in QuickBooks. ***** REPORT NAME: Checking Register DESCRIPTION: This report is useful when you need to print out all the information in a check register. For each bank account, the report shows debit and credit entries, much like a check register. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Checks to be Printed DESCRIPTION: This report displays all checks that are currently marked as "to be printed." USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Cleared Bank Account Balances DESCRIPTION: This report lists all of your cleared transactions totaled by each bank account. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using the Reconcile window to reconcile each bank account. ***** REPORT NAME: Credit Card Purchases This Month DESCRIPTION: This report lists all credit card purchases for the current month. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Credit Card Purchases This Year DESCRIPTION: This report lists all credit card purchases for the current year. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Customer Email List DESCRIPTION: This report lists the e-mail address and current balance for each customer. The report is useful if you frequently contact customers by e-mail. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must have a record of each customer's e-mail address in your Customer:Job list. ***** REPORT NAME: Customer Tax Code DESCRIPTION: This report displays sales tax code assigned to each customer. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must have sales tax turned on in QuickBooks. ***** REPORT NAME: Customer vs. Item Income DESCRIPTION: This report shows which customers are using which services and/or purchasing which items. The total income shown in the report matches the Total Income line on the Profit and Loss Standard report. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Invoices to be Printed DESCRIPTION: This report lists all invoices that are currently marked as "to be printed." USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be writing invoices and posting them to your Accounts Receivable account. ***** REPORT NAME: Largest Customer Balances DESCRIPTION: This report helps you see quickly who owes you the most money. It lists the open balance for each customer, sorted from largest to smallest. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be posting sales transactions to your Accounts Receivable account. ***** REPORT NAME: Largest Vendor Balances DESCRIPTION: This report helps you see quickly whom you owe the most money to. It lists the open balance for each vendor, sorted from largest to smallest. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using Accounts Payable to track expenses and bills. ***** REPORT NAME: Monthly Check Register DESCRIPTION: This report lists transactions recorded in each bank account for the current month. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be tracking the bank accounts in QuickBooks. ***** REPORT NAME: Non-Taxable Customer List with Resale Numbers DESCRIPTION: This report helps you determine quickly whether you have assigned a resale number to each wholesale customer. The report lists all active customers to whom you have assigned a non-taxable sales tax code. The report also shows each customer's resale number, if you have assigned one. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Sales tax must be turned on in QuickBooks. ***** REPORT NAME: Non-Taxable Sales by Customer DESCRIPTION: This report helps you determine which customers should never be charged sales tax. The report lists non-taxable sales, broken down by customer. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using non-taxable sales tax codes to track non-taxable sales. ***** REPORT NAME: Non-Taxable Sales by Item DESCRIPTION: This report helps you determine which items you should never charge sales tax for. The report lists non-taxable sales, broken down by item. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using sale tax items, or sales tax codes, to track non-taxable sales. ***** REPORT NAME: Non-Taxable Sales Detail DESCRIPTION: This report lists all non-taxable sales that occurred in the past month. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using sale tax items, or sales tax codes, to track non-taxable sales. ***** REPORT NAME: Open Invoices at Year End DESCRIPTION: This report lists all of your open invoices as of the end of the year. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be writing invoices and posting them to your Accounts Receivable account. ***** REPORT NAME: Open Invoices Contact Report DESCRIPTION: This report lists your open invoices, along with the phone number and e-mail address of each customer. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be writing invoices and posting them to your Accounts Receivable account. ***** REPORT NAME: Pending Sales Detail DESCRIPTION: This report lists your pending invoices, showing the line item detail for each invoice. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using pending invoices to track potential sales. ***** REPORT NAME: Sales by Customer Detail, Subtotal QTY DESCRIPTION: This report helps you determine the quantity of each item sold to customers. The report lists sales transactions, grouped by customer and subtotaled by quantity sold. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Taxable Sales by Customer DESCRIPTION: This report helps you determine which customers should always be charged sales tax. The report lists taxable sales, broken down by customer. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using taxable sales tax codes to track taxable sales. ***** REPORT NAME: Transactions Entered/Modified This Month DESCRIPTION: This report lists all transactions entered during the current month. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Transactions Entered Today DESCRIPTION: This report displays all transactions entered or modified on the current date. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: The Entered/Modified filter is set to Today. ***** REPORT NAME: Unpaid bills at year - end DESCRIPTION: This report lists all of your unpaid bills as of the end of the year. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using Accounts Payable to track expenses and pay bills. ***** REPORT NAME: Unpaid Bills Detail with Phone Numbers DESCRIPTION: This report lists your unpaid bills, showing the phone number for each vendor. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using Accounts Receivable to track expenses and pay bills. ***** REPORT NAME: Vendor Email List DESCRIPTION: This report lists the e-mail address and current balance for each vendor. The report is useful if you frequently contact vendors by e-mail. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must have a record of each vendor's e-mail address in the Vendor list. =====>> CONSTRUCTION <<===== REPORT NAME: Certified Payroll Box 1 Employees, Addresses, and SS#s DESCRIPTION: This report provides information you need to fill in Box 1 of a certified payroll report. The report shows the name, social security number, and address of each employee. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Expenses by Customer DESCRIPTION: This report provides a detailed look at job-related expenses. The report lists job-related expenses, totaled by customer or job and sorted by customer name. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: When you incur a job-related expense, you must assign it to a customer or job. ***** REPORT NAME: Expenses by Vendor/Job DESCRIPTION: This report lists your expenses, totaled by vendor. For each vendor, expenses are subtotaled and sorted by job. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Each expense must be assigned to a job. =====>> FRANCHISE <<===== REPORT NAME: Franchise Monthly Detail report DESCRIPTION: This report shows sales revenue from the previous month broken down by class and item. For each item sold, the report shows the percentage of sales and quantity sold in addition to the dollar amount. The report's format makes it easy for franchisers to roll up franchisees' reports when the report is exported to Excel and submitted electronically. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you use class tracking in QuickBooks. ***** REPORT NAME: Franchise Monthly Summary report DESCRIPTION: This report summarizes sales revenue by class and each major type of item sold for the previous month. The report's format makes it easy for franchisers to roll up franchisees' reports when the report is exported to Excel and submitted electronically. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you use class tracking in QuickBooks. ***** REPORT NAME: Franchise Weekly Detail report DESCRIPTION: This report shows sales revenue from the previous week (Sunday through Saturday) broken down by class and item. For each item sold, the report shows the percentage of sales and quantity sold in addition to the dollar amount. The report's format makes it easy for franchisers to roll up franchisees' reports when the report is exported to Excel and submitted electronically. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you use class tracking in QuickBooks. ***** REPORT NAME: Franchise Weekly Summary report DESCRIPTION: This report summarizes sales revenue for the previous week (Sunday through Saturday), broken down by class and item sold. The report's format makes it easy for franchisers to roll up franchisees' reports when the report is exported to Excel and submitted electronically. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you use class tracking in QuickBooks. =====>> NON-PROFIT <<===== REPORT NAME: Income and Expense Budget Overview by Program DESCRIPTION: This report provides an overview of your organizational budget, broken down by account and class. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Class tracking must be on, and you must have set up budgets for each account and class. ***** REPORT NAME: Income and Expense Budget vs. Actuals by Program. DESCRIPTION: This report provides an overview of how well your organization is meeting its budget goals. It compares budgeted amounts to actual amounts, broken down by account and class. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Class tracking must be on, and you must have set up budgets for each account and class. ***** REPORT NAME: Overhead as Percentage of Total Expenses DESCRIPTION: This report breaks down the income and expenses for your organization, showing each fund as a percentage of your total expenses. The column for your general fund shows the percentage that your overhead contributes to total income and expenses. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: The report assumes that you have set up a class for each fund and that you have assigned a fund class to each transaction. ***** REPORT NAME: Program Profitability Summary DESCRIPTION: This report provides an overview of the profitability of your organization. It summarizes the net income and expenses for each segment of your organization, as defined by classes you have set up in QuickBooks. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Class tracking must be on. ***** REPORT NAME: Top Donor Report DESCRIPTION: This report lists the total contribution made by each donor to your organization. You can obtain a detailed list of a donor's individual contributions by double-clicking the donor's total in the report. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you use classes to track each fund and that you have set up each donor as a customer. =====>> Payroll <<===== REPORT NAME: Employee Current Salary Information DESCRIPTION: This report lists the current salary for each employee. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Employee Roster DESCRIPTION: This report shows key information about each employee, including social security number, hire date, last pay period, and pay period frequency. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Employee Sick & Vacation Summary DESCRIPTION: This report shows the accrued and used sick and vacation time for each employee as of the report date. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Employee Taxability Checkup DESCRIPTION: This report helps you verify that you have set up payroll tax information correctly for each employee. The report lists the standard taxes each employee is subject to. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Employee Tax Calculation Review DESCRIPTION: This report shows all the taxes withheld for each employee. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Gross Pay Rate, Qty & Amounts DESCRIPTION: This report helps you verify compliance with payroll regulations. The report shows the hours, rate, and amount for all gross pay payroll items. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Paycheck Audit Trail DESCRIPTION: This report shows edits to paychecks and other employee related-transactions. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. The Use Audit Trail preference must be on. ***** REPORT NAME: Paychecks To Be Printed DESCRIPTION: This report lists all paychecks marked as "to be printed." It helps you determine which paychecks you haven't printed yet. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Detail - Transactions by Payee, Last Modified DESCRIPTION: This report can help you spot Tax Table usage patterns quickly. The report lists all payroll transactions for the current year, showing when they were last modified and which Tax Table version was used to calculate tax amounts. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Expenses by Customer:Job DESCRIPTION: This report breaks down payroll expenses by customer and job. It is helpful if you bill customers for job-related payroll expenses. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Expenses by Name DESCRIPTION: This report helps you determine which payroll expenses are not job-costed. The report lists payroll expenses by customer and employee. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Items by Class & Customer:Job Cost Setting DESCRIPTION: This report lists all the payroll items that you have set up as allocatable costs to customers and jobs. The report will help you determine whether your payroll items have been set up correctly for cost allocation. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Items Rate & Limits DESCRIPTION: This report displays the rate and annual limit for each payroll item. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Items that Affect Taxes DESCRIPTION: This report helps you determine whether you have set up your payroll items correctly for tax calculations. The report shows all payroll items that currently affect tax calculations. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Liabilities Accrued by Month DESCRIPTION: This report breaks down your accrued payroll liabilities by month. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Liabilities Balance Due by Month DESCRIPTION: This report shows each month's balance due for your payroll liabilities. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Liabilities Paid by Month DESCRIPTION: This report can help you avoid paying payroll liabilities in the wrong month. The report shows the payroll liability payments you've made, broken down by month. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Summary by Employee, Item, and Quarter DESCRIPTION: This report provides a quick look at your summary payroll numbers for the current year. The report shows quarterly summary amounts for each employee and payroll item. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Summary - Current Quarter & YTD DESCRIPTION: This report compares your payroll expenses for this quarter to your accumulated year-to-date expenses. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Summary - Hours & Gross Pay DESCRIPTION: This report shows the quantity of hours worked and the amount you paid for each gross pay payroll item for this calendar year. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Quarterly Federal Taxes DESCRIPTION: This report shows all of the payroll-related federal taxes that you have collected for the previous Quarter. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Voided Paychecks DESCRIPTION: This report lists all voided paychecks for the current year. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Payroll must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. =====>> RETAIL <<===== REPORT NAME: Invoice Number by Register DESCRIPTION: This report lists all invoices and credit memos recorded for the current month. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you use invoices and credit memos in QuickBooks to track sales. ***** REPORT NAME: Missing Invoices DESCRIPTION: This report lists all of your invoices in numeric order and warns you of invoice numbers that are missing or haven't been used. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be writing invoices and posting them to your Accounts Receivable account. ***** REPORT NAME: Missing Invoices This Month DESCRIPTION: This report lists all of your invoices for the month in numeric order and warns you of invoice numbers that are missing or haven't been used. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be writing invoices and posting them to your Accounts Receivable account. ***** REPORT NAME: Payroll Expenses by Class DESCRIPTION: This report breaks down payroll expenses by class. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using class tracking, payroll must be turned on, and you must be using QuickBooks Payroll, or one of the QuickBooks Payroll services, to manage your payroll. ***** REPORT NAME: Pending Invoices Contact Report DESCRIPTION: This report lists your pending sales for each customer, showing the customer's contact name, phone number, and e-mail address. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using pending invoices to track potential sales. ***** REPORT NAME: Pending Sales Receipts Contact Report DESCRIPTION: This report lists your pending cash sales for each customer, showing the customer's contact name, phone number, and e-mail address. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must be using pending sales receipts to track potential sales. ***** REPORT NAME: Retail Sales This Quarter DESCRIPTION: This report shows the monthly sales to each customer in descending order by total sales. The report covers this fiscal quarter. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Sales by Customer Summary with Percentages DESCRIPTION: This report helps you see quickly which customers account for the greatest sales volume. The report lists the total sales and percentage of sales for each customer sorted from largest to smallest. The report covers the current fiscal year. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: None. ***** REPORT NAME: Sales Detail Report with City DESCRIPTION: This report lists sales entered using invoices, sales receipts, credit memos and statement charges with the customer's city next to each transaction. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report is most useful when using the Send to Excel feature for reports. ***** REPORT NAME: Sales Detail Report with State DESCRIPTION: This report lists sales entered using invoices, sales receipts, credit memos and statement charges with the customer's state next to each transaction. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report is most useful when using the Send to Excel feature for reports. ***** REPORT NAME: Sales Detail Report with Zip Code DESCRIPTION: This report lists sales entered using invoices, sales receipts, credit memos and statement charges with the customer's zip code next to each transaction. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report is most useful when using the Send to Excel feature for reports. ***** REPORT NAME: Taxable Customer List DESCRIPTION: This report helps you determine whether you have assigned a sales tax code to all of your retail customers. The report lists all active customers to whom you have assigned a taxable sales tax code. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: Sales tax must be turned on in QuickBooks. You must be using sales tax codes to track taxable sales. ***** REPORT NAME: Unbilled Inventory Valuation Detail DESCRIPTION: This report helps you determine which inventory items need to be billed to customers. The report shows all unbilled inventory assigned to a customer or job. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: When you purchase an inventory item for a specific customer or job, you must assign that item to the customer or job. To invoice customers for inventory items, you must use the Time/Costs button on the invoice form. ***** REPORT NAME: Sales Detail Report with Zip Code DESCRIPTION: This report lists sales entered using invoices, sales receipts, credit memos and statement charges with the customer's zip code next to each transaction. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report is most useful when using the Send to Excel feature for reports. =====>> SERVICE <<===== REPORT NAME: Billed vs. Unbilled vs. Not Billable Hours DESCRIPTION: This report compares billed, unbilled, and not billable hours for each employee. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: You must have QuickBooks Premier, or Enterprise Solutions Editions versions to run this report. Time tracking must be on. ***** REPORT NAME: Income and Expenses by Property DESCRIPTION: This report helps you determine how to calculate property management fees. For each property, the report shows how much rental income was received and which expenses were paid. USAGE ASSUMPTIONS: This report assumes that you have set up a class for each property and that you assign the appropriate property class to each transaction.