Upgrade and Installation Location Options
Thinking about the computer you're installing on right now...
This screen allows you to do one of two things:
Change the folder where QuickBooks is installed or replace your earlier version of QuickBooks with the version you're installing now.
Change the folder where QuickBooks is installed
If you're not replacing your earlier version, you can change the install location for the version you're installing now. (If you are replacing your earlier version, the installation location automatically defaults to the location of the version being replaced.)
To change the install location choose the Change the install location option and then click Browse to set the new location.
Do you still need to use your earlier version of QuickBooks?
If don't need to use your earlier version and want to replace it, choose the option for I don't need to use my earlier version so replace it with the version I'm installing now and use the drop-down menu to select the version to replace.
Note: Replacing a version does not affect your company data. Your company data will be updated when you open it using the new version.
If you need to continue to use your earlier version as well as the version you're installing now, choose the option to Change the install location to install the newer version to a separate folder.